The Last to Teach!

Finally it was group 4's turn to teach! They discussed the events of a Growing Nation. Before beginning, they introduced their classroom rules:
1. Listen when others are speaking
2. Encourage each other
3. Ask questions
4. Raise your hand for permission to speak
5. Never give up

I really like how these rules were given because not only do they address appropriate behavior and how to act towards their teachers, but they address how the students should behave towards their classmates too.

Image result for gold rushSince they were going to be teaching about the Gold Rush, they used that to create their behavior management strategy. Each group began with 5 coins and if they did something positive, they could earn another coin. On the other hand, if they did something negative, they would get a coin taken away. I like this idea because it was fun for the students, but it also went along with their lesson about the Gold Rush. The students were given a flip book that followed along with the slides so they could fill in the important terms. 

The teachers then began their lesson!
In between slides they had review slides to make sure the students were understanding the information being taught. There was also a video shown to break up the material which the students liked.

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The class was then divided into two teams and two students from each team were given fly swatters. There were multiple vocabulary words on the board and the teachers said a definition. The first student to use the fly swatter to hit the correct vocabulary word got a point. This was a great game because it got the students up and moving, but also helped them learn the words and definitions!

To end the lesson, the teachers handed out a matching worksheet for the students to fill out. They said they should be working independently on it and then asked what the students thought "independent" means. It was good that they reviewed that word just so the students knew exactly how they should be working.

This was a great direct instruction lesson and I can't wait to see what is next for inquiry!

For their inquiry lesson, the teachers decided to do a webquest!

The students were put into groups and told that during this webquest they would be conducting research on the following people:
1. Stephen Austin
2. James Marshall
3. Sam Houston
4. James K. Polk
Image result for webquestEach student was given biography research paper to fill out with all the information they gathered from the webquest. This paper was a graphic organizer which was different than what the students had been given before and I liked the idea of using it!

Once everyone's research was complete, the students got time to talk about what they had found within their groups. After conferring with one another, they shared their findings with the class. The last task they had to complete was to write a biography about their important figure! This was a fun way for the students to do more research on these important figures in history.

After a long week of spring break, we are finally back at fieldwork and ready for group 4's cooperative lesson!
For this lesson, the teachers decided to have the students create timelines of the important events they learned about throughout their lessons.

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All the students were put into groups and given folders full of all the information they needed to complete their timelines. They were given job roles, and got to choose which job they wanted to fulfill in their groups. After 20 minutes, the students were able to share their timelines. While each group was sharing, the other students were given a Follow Along Card to fill out. This helped them to follow along and provide feedback. Once every group presented, each student filled out an evaluation form about their group and teamwork.

To conclude both their lesson and fieldwork as a whole, the students were given a post-assessment. This contained questions from all of the group's lessons to see what the students remembered. Group 4 did a great job finishing up fieldwork for social studies methods!
Image result for we did it


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